tennis balls


Halley FMCh, TF, CGC - Chinese Shar-pei

Team Dog

Full Name: Star Halley Hope
Date of Birth: Sept 12, 2001
Gender: Female
Owner: Rachel Lindberg

Fastest Time: 5.478

Greatest Achievement: Earning her CGC and being the first Shar-pei to earn a FM, FMX, and FMCh!

Halley is a unique shar pei to say the least. She is the most loving, kind hearted, playful shar pei you will probably ever meet. Everyone she meets adores her, including her vet!

After training for flyball for almost 3 years she finally made her debut at the NSL October '05 tournament and earned her FD at the CB October '05 tournament. Since then, she's really found her place in the flyball lanes. She's enjoying racing the other dogs and is having a ton of fun with her teammates!

Halley made history at the HJJ/CIA Flyball tournament in March '07 by becoming the first Shar Pei to earn her FM. She made history again in November of '08 by becoming the first Shar Pei to earn her FMX and once more in December '10 earning her FMCh at 9 years old!
